Transparency International - Initiative Madagascar (TI-MG) is an association under Malagasy law created in 2000 by a group of Malagasy citizens committed to the fight against corruption. It is the official section of the NGO Transparency International in Madagascar.
The objective of TI-MG is to contribute to the fight against corruption in Madagascar by promoting the principles of transparency, accountability and integrity among all actors in Malagasy society. To achieve this objective, TI-MG developed a new strategy in 2016 "Together against corruption" going until 2020. This strategy is implemented in an annual action plan.
How does TI-MG work?
- TI-MG operates like any association, with a General Assembly, a Board of Directors and an Executive Board which in January 2020 has eleven (11) employees and three (3) interns. The Executive Director of TI-MG is Ms. Ketakandriana RAFITOSON
- Like the other sections of TI, TI-MG is independent in the choice of its actions. It is completely financially independent;
- TI-MG finances its structure mainly through the realization of projects supported by donors and donations.
Madagascar ranks 158 out of 180 on the 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International.