The 'Africa we want' is one that the youths believe in.
The 'SADC we want' is one that puts the youth at the center of decisions.
We need action to stop corruption and young people are the best leaders for this.
Armel Sylva
Africa shall rise the time when corruption is nipped in the bud.
Young people must be at the center of leadership to bring a new era that militates against corruption!
Simon Muvhuta
Youth Against Corruption (YAC)
I have a problem with the statement or saying that "Youth are the leaders of tomorrow", that's a fallacy. Youth are the leaders today going into the future. We therefore want a SADC that is considerate of youth issues, that is actively led by youth. The Africa that shares the national cake equal to all the citizens. Corruption is a cancer to our region and the continent at large. Its effects are largely felt by the youths who suffer the aftermaths of embezzled funds, misappropriated resources that become concentrated only the elite and the politically inclined. The fight against corruption begins with you and me.
No to corruption from the highest citizen to the least!
Brisky Thulani Ncube
Development Practitioner
Health Service Provider
Human Rights and Peace Advocate
We are mindful a good number if not all SADC member states have very comprehensive National laws with clearly set out values on accountability, patriotism, and integrity, commendably so. They have formed robust Anti-Corruption Policies and Public Integrity Codes of Conduct for Public Workers and Office bearers, with clear guidelines on the sanctions in order to protect public property and promote integrity.
We realize the consequences and dangers of corruption but more so concerned, with the glaring incidents of corruption and allegation related to it in our countries, and particularly involving our Public Services, and in some cases the Private Sector.
Similarly, in the preamble, of the SADC Protocol on Corruption, upon signing, all the countries of SADC reaffirmed that demonstrable political will and leadership are essential ingredients to wage an effective fight against the scourge of corruption.
To build the SADC and Africa We Want; It is important for us to acknowledge the fact that corruption in our countries, the region, and continent at large, is becoming endemic that has very far reaching effects on our peoples and we must take action!
Maggie Mwape
SADC we want?
SADC that is people centered, accountable and economically integrated.
What is the Africa we want?
United Africa with a common desire to grow together and solve it’s own problems as a continent.
Anti-corruption message to the region:
Power never corrupts people, it is the fear of losing power that makes people corrupt.
Integrity and Transparency have to be part of our culture and Fundamental values.
Phelisters Wegesa
Public Health Professional